BG3 Script Extender

BG3, its full name is Baldur’s Gate 3. It is a very great and popular game. If you want to make your gameplay even more customized and advanced, then you have to use BG3 Script Extender + Commands. It increases the scripting capabilities of your game and allows you to use advanced functions. BG3 Script Extender and Commands are available here.

File BG3 Script Extender
Version2024 April 30

What is BG3 Script Extender (BG3SE)?

It is very important for you to know about it. It is a third-party tool and has been specially designed to enhance the capabilities of Baldur’s Gate 3. With its help, customization of the game can be implemented in a better way.

Its main features

  1. You can customize the advanced scripting and new functions of the game.
  2. Improvement in the speed and performance of the game.
  3. Better compatibility with mods than before.

Useful Commands of BG3 Script Extender

You can further customize the BG3 game through commands. And this will help in making the game play even better. Commands and their details are given below.

CommandUsage (meaning of command)
DumpConsoleCommandsDisplays a list of all available console commands.
DumpStoryStateRetrieves information on the game’s current story state.
DebugMode [on/off]To turn Debug Mode on or off.
SetLevel [CharacterID] [Level]To instantly increase the level of any character.
AddXP [Amount]To add the specified amount of XP to the team.
Kill [TargetID]To instantly defeat a given target.
Revive [CharacterID]To revive a dead character.
AddItem [ItemID] [Quantity]To add a new item to the inventory.
RemoveItem [ItemID] [Quantity]To remove an item from the inventory.
ListItemsto show a list of your character’s current inventory.
ChangeWeather [WeatherType]To change the game’s weather.
SetTime [Hour]To set the time in the game.
Teleport [CharacterID] [LocationID]To move a character to a specified location.

Advanced Features

  • Customizing Game Play: Improve graphics capabilities, and modify a lot of features.
  • Unlocking Hidden Features: Using script extenders, you can access hidden features. Juice that are unavailable in the best games.

How to Download the BG3 Script Extender

Downloading BG3 Script Extender is a very simple process. You can download the Script Extender file by clicking on the Download button given here. If you want to download any other file, you can download it by typing it in the search box present on this website.

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